February 19-21, 2015
This paper explores the need for renewable based DC microgrid and proposes characteristic features of a standalone DC microgrid. The need for energy management system and its role in DC microgrid has been emphasized. Renewable generating sources such as wind turbine generator and photovoltaic panel require stringent control for harnessing maximum available energy, energy storage system demands efficient management, and DC-link voltage must be maintained constant. These requirements are fulfilled by energy management system, thus it provides intelligence to the system and makes the microgrid reliable. An isolated renewable DC microgrid having proposed features and energy management system has been simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The designed system sustains dynamic conditions and simulation results validate feasibility of DC microgrid and energy management algorithm.
February 19-21, 2015
As a result of increase in the installed capacity of wind power systems around the world, providing Low Voltage Ride-Through is one of the prime requirements of Grid Codes. Wind farms are now required to comply with stringent connection requirements which include remaining connected during grid faults, providing reactive power support, achieving system stability and voltage regulation. The paper analyzes and implements LVRT requirements for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator based Wind Turbine Generator system using MATLAB/SIMULINK. With the help of the proposed control strategy, wind turbine stays connected to the grid during fault condition, and the excess energy is stored in generator-rotor inertia instead of dissipating it through a chopper resistor.
Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) is one of the most dominant grid connection requirements to be met by Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS). In presence of grid voltage dips, a mismatch is produced between the generated active power and the active power delivered to the grid. Low voltage ride through requirement demands management of this mismatch, which is a challenge for the WECS. In this paper, LVRT requirements provided by Wind Grid Codes have been reviewed. This paper discusses the standards for interconnection of wind generators to local grid during healthy and fault conditions. As per LVRT requirement, during dip occurrence, the wind power generation plant must remain connected to the grid and in addition, it has to deliver reactive power into the grid to aid the utility to hold the grid voltage. Voltage sag proves to be the most prominent power quality issue and the effect of voltage sag on different wind generator topologies has been investigated. Several methods for LVRT fulfillment have been explored and the LVRT scheme has been validated based on MATLAB-SIMULINK simulation.
December 10-12, 2013
Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) is one of the most dominant grid connection requirements to be met by Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS). In presence of grid voltage dips, a mismatch is produced between the generated active power and the active power delivered to the grid. Low voltage ride through requirement demands management of this mismatch, which is a challenge for the WECS. In this paper, LVRT requirements provided by Wind Grid Codes have been reviewed. This paper discusses the standards for interconnection of wind generators to local grid during healthy and fault conditions. As per LVRT requirement, during dip occurrence, the wind power generation plant must remain connected to the grid and in addition, it has to deliver reactive power into the grid to aid the utility to hold the grid voltage. Voltage sag proves to be the most prominent power quality issue and the effect of voltage sag on different wind generator topologies has been investigated. Several methods for LVRT fulfillment have been explored and the LVRT scheme has been validated based on MATLAB-SIMULINK simulation.
August, 2013
This paper proposes a new Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm employed in Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS). One of the major issues concerning HCS is its inefficiency in detecting the peak power when there is a change in wind ·speed. In addition, the HCS produces oscillations in delivered power once this peak is detected. A modified HCS algorithm is proposed in this paper to overcome these limitations. This algorithm employs a variable duty cycle to reduce the oscillations in delivered power once the peak power is detected.
July, 2013
Wind energy is free, there is no cartel that controls its distribution and no sanction or blockade on wind is possible. Since it is unlimited, renewable and a pollution free source, there has been a movement the world over to develop highly sophisticated technology to convert kinetic energy in wind to electrical energy. In this paper, the need for exploiting Renewable Energy Sources has been discussed. A brief idea about the Indian energy scenario has been presented along with a detailed study of the Indian Wind Grid Code. Although RES accounts to only 2% of the total electricity generated, the alarming rate at which demand for energy is increasing worldwide leaves exploring RES inevitable, especially Wind Power.